睡前喝豆漿、(soya bean milk before sleep)
Drink soy milk before bed. Soy milk contains 100% high quality amino acids which is very important for the production of growth hormone and promote the body's metabolism , destroys excessive of sugar and fat in the body, so drinking milk before bedtime, have the effect of weight loss, which is normally called the "amino acid diet," also known as "lazy weight loss."
吃水果比吃蔬菜好、(fruits are better than vegetables)
吃水果比吃蔬菜好:當個「好色之徒」吧,吃水果要選香的,顏色鮮豔的,含有大量松脂,多吃對身體有益。且吃水果比吃蔬菜好,松脂成分可抗壓,如芒果要選土芒 果,葡萄要吃紫葡萄,西瓜選無子大紅西瓜,蜜瓜選綠色的,哈蜜瓜要選肉色的,水果中以榴璉的松脂居第一。然今後別再吃西柚因會抑制肝的解毒!
It is advisable to eat more fruits than vegetables. Choose those fruits that smell nice, brightest and freshest in color, it contains a lot of resin which is damn good for the body.
綠茶效益勝過水(green tea is better than plain water)
It is recommended to replace red tea/plain water with green tea because plain water will not 'flush' away those toxic substances in our body, red tea means fermented tea, which indicates that green tea is better then red tea. Drink more green tea will reduce Parkinson disease and protect the articular cartilage as well as pain relief.
天天來杯咖啡吧(a daily coffee is good for you)
喝咖啡選阿拉伯豆:每天一杯咖啡,喝咖啡的好處是咖啡可抑制多巴胺L-Dopa,預防老化、巴金森氏症、防癌,咖啡會活化大腦命令四肢.壞處是喝咖啡會流失鈣與一些維他命.懷孕前三個月禁喝,因易流產。此外,喝咖啡要選阿拉伯豆,不是爪哇豆,豆子要 新鮮,放久了會產生黃麴毒素。
Drink arabica coffee, one cup per day. Coffee is very good to prevent Parkinson disease,dopa-responsive dystonia, L-DOPA, prevent ageing, combat with cancer etc.
將癌細胞改邪歸正的蕃薯(sweet potato can get away the cancel cells)
蕃薯導正病變細胞:蕃薯含神經節肝酯,能導正病變細胞;且蕃薯可以減肥,因為其澱粉是水溶性纖維,不會囤積體內。 蕃薯的甜味是多醣,對人體有益,比吃飯更有飽足感,建議一週可用一餐蕃薯代替飯來吃。蕃薯愈紅愈甜愈好,烤的比水煮和蒸的好,且烤後連皮一起吃更好。 專作放射線之醫師,認為『微波爐』會利用電波少一個正價電子,運用水分子之震盪使食物變熱,所以食物易變成自由基,就會容易致癌。所以偶而方便用一下,最好還是少用『微波爐』最好!
1 comment:
good post!
but 豆漿 have to choose properly lor coz some 豆漿 maker didn't remove the bean skin, will cause high purine in human's body.
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